The hematopathology unit provides accurate diagnoses for a variety of hemato-lymphoid neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders of blood, bone-marrow and lymph nodes.
The hematopathology unit provides accurate diagnoses for a variety of hemato-lymphoid neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders of blood, bone-marrow and lymph nodes.
We have extensive experience interpreting all types of breast specimens, including surgical pathology specimens, core needle biopsies and fine needle aspirations, of cases ranging from early borderline disease to the most advance stage cancer.
The inmunoshistochemistry laboratory provides analysis of er/pr expresion, her2 neu, proliferation index and other markers.
Our surgical specimens including biopsies for brain tumors, infectious and inflamatory diseases.
We provide pathology services available to patients with central and peripheral nervous system neoplasia and related disorders, and proactively supports neurosurgeons and oncologist in the care of their patients.
The head and neck pathology unit focuses on mucosal and mesenchymal lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract (nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, oral cavity, salivary glands, oropharynx and larynx), as well as lesions of the eye and orbit and other sites.
The service proficiency encompasses all areas of genitourinary pathology, including prostate, bladder, ureters, urethra and testis disorders as well as neoplastic and non-neoplasric disorders of the kidneys.
Our general surgical pathology unit provides diagnostic services for all tissue specimens (biopsies and resections) from any origen. Our faculty with diagnostic expertise in, a broad range of neoplastic and no neoplastic conditions, enable us to deliver comprehensive diagnostic, pronostic and predictive information to our physician colleagues and their patients.
The expert gastrointestinal pathologist evaluate every biopsy to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
Our services aid physicians in presenting their patients with the most appropriate care for conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and bening and malignant tumors.
Our main goal is to make superior service avaliable to patients with benign anf malignant disorders of the endocrine glands and proactively supporting general surgeons, endocrinologist and oncologist in their care of their patients.
Dermatopathology focuses on the study of cutaneous disorders at the microscopic level. Dermatopathologists diagnoses and evaluate biopsy specimens obtained from the skin, nails, and mucous membranes. With over 1.500 skin disorders in existence.
Gynecologic specimens, such as the pap test, detects precancerous cervical lesions to prevent cervical cancer.
Non-gynecologic specimens processed by our lab, include exfoliative cytology specimens – effusions, cerebrospinal fluids, urines and bronchoalveolar specimens, as well as fna of any origen, specimens of palpable lesions and deep-seated lesions (ultrasound-guided pancreatic, thyroid, breast fnas, computed tomography-guided fnas).
The bone and soft tissue pathology unit deal with neoplasm and other pathological conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system and many non-epithelial extraskeletal tissues and soft tissues.
The hematopathology unit provides accurate diagnoses for a variety of hemato-lymphoid neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders of blood, bone-marrow and lymph nodes.
The immunohistochemistry laboratory performs stains for multiple markers that cover several purposes, including the identification and classification of neoplasms. To do this, we proceed by determining the receptor profile of cancer cells and other signaling abnormalities of said cells that represent targets for therapy
Molecular Pathology is a discipline whose objective is to study and diagnose a disease by examining molecules in biological samples taken from organs, tissues or body fluids. The latest generation of molecular tests are increasingly important for making prognoses and predicting the potential behavior of diseases, thus making it possible to determine the best approach and the therapeutic responses.
The ob/gyn pathology unit is responsible for the diagnoses of the members of the ob/gyn pathology unit have in-depth knowledge of diseases of the female genital tract including vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, metastastic nodal disease, fallopian tubes and ovaries and emphasize clinical pathologic correlations.
The oral & maxillofacial pathology unit performs diagnostic evaluations of specimens from the oral and maxillofacial regions. Theses specimens include both bony and soft-tissue lesions from adult and pediatric patients.
The pediatric and perinatal patology unit focuses on the studdy of the placenta, fetus and neonate. We perform a thorough gross and microscopic examination with emphasis on recognizing congenital anomalies, infections, and other maternal/fetal conditions tha may lead to adverse perinatal outcomes such as preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, or pregnancy loss.
Our unit has experienced pathologist with expertise in diagnostic neoplastic and non-neoplastic pediatric diseases in every organ system.
We provide a comprehensive diagnostic service covering all aspects of pulmonary pathology, from neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases to pleura and mediastinum diseases. Our pumonary pathologist employ a full range of routine and specialized techniques to evaluate biopsies and resections of the lung, pleura, thymus, and other mediastinal specimens.